Work With Us!

Interested in having your art or characters featured on the site? Shoot us an email at! Send us whatever your social platforms are as well as any designs you particularly want us to look at.

Have other questions you want answered first? Keep reading!

Q: What is the process like?

A: It usually starts as just a conversation with Howl. And if they approve your designs, they'll send you our usual merch agreement. Once that's signed, it's usually a pretty fast turn-around to get it up on the website, averaging 1-2 weeks. We'd post about it on our sites, and we'd send you royalties once every quarter.

Q: Will I retain rights to the image/character?

A: Yes! We do not want any copyrights or trademarks in any of your work. We only want an exclusive license to print.

Q: Can I take my design elsewhere?

A: No you may not, hence the exclusive contract.

Q: Can I sell my work elsewhere?

A: Yes! So long as it is not "substantially similar" to what you offer here. Generally this means that it isn't the same product featuring the same character.

Q: Can I submit fanart of trademarked characters?

A: No, we would get sued.

Q: What are you most likely to accept?

A: What we are most interested in is submissions featuring characters with an existing fanbase, ideally those which are featured in a game, animation series, or webcomic which you yourself produce. Don't let that scare you off, though! We are always looking to fill new niches with quality designs.